--------------------------------------- SOFTWARE ROUTNES AVAILABLE IN ZIP FILES --------------------------------------- ZIP FILE Number MODULE NAME Subs DESCRIPTION DATE ATMOSF AIRRI.FOR 2 Refective Index air, Partial Pressure Water 7/1/1992 ATROPO.FOR 3 Analytic approx. Tropospheric delay vs elv 8/16/1989 METAIR.FOR 5 Met. Air, N,M, Ppwater, Pot.Temp… 7/7/2002 METVAR.FOR 2 N,M air 8/23/2002 NAIR.FOR 2 N,M air 8/23/2002 PPH2O.FOR 1 Partial Pressure water 7/2/2002 SLP2STAP.FOR 2 Station Weather +/ Sea Level 10/16/2002 STDAREF.FOR Prg Std Atmosphere 1976 8/23/2001 WATVAP.FOR 4 PPH20, T-wet, T-dry, RH 8/23/2002 WRDSIZ.INC 3/8/1987 DOCSF LDPLM.TXT Load Spherical Harmonic Coef. Format/Comman 4/7/1996 MATRIX.TXT List of Matrix Routines in different module 8/3/1987 SMOOTHW.TXT Smoothw/3 documentation 7/11/2002 SPHCOEFS.TXT Examples files for Load Sph Coef 2/17/2006 SPHNORM.TXT SPH Norm Coef Table -Full, Geophysics,Schmi 2/14/1994 SPHNOTE.TXT Notes on computing Ylm 2/17/2006 SPHRTN.TXT Sph Routine Documentation 2/25/1994 WINDDATA.TXT List of data windowing routines, notes 11/5/1989 GENF COMBNM.FOR 1 Conbination n,m generator (permutations) 5/21/1994 CONSET.FOR 5 Set Earth Constants, WGS84, WGS72.. 7/14/1997 CONSET.INC Earth Constants common 8/20/1987 CVTHMS.FOR 4 Hours,min sec to degrees 6/24/1991 DATIME.FOR 13 Date and time conversion routines 12/20/2000 DSORT.FOR 4 Sort R*8 (double precision) Heap Sort 11/5/1995 FILTER.FOR 1 Generate Digital Filter Coef. 2/12/1988 IKSORT.FOR 1 Heap Sort, integers 5/7/1994 KTRACK.FOR 2 Kalman alpha-beta tracker (y=ax+b) 6/9/1991 MAGCOR.FOR 3 Magnetic coordinates 3/5/1995 MJDRTN.FOR 4 Modified Julian Date +/ mdy, gps 12/20/1999 RBFILTER.FOR Prg Apply Butterworth Filter to text data file 12/15/1989 RCFILTER.FOR Prg Apply Chebyshev Filter to text data file 12/15/1989 RSORT.FOR 6 R*4 version of Heap Sort 11/5/1995 SECHMS.FOR 1 Seconds +/ Hours minutes seconds 12/5/1992 SETVAL.FOR 2 Set a vector to a value 2/15/1993 SIGDIG.FOR 1 Round number to given number significant di 1/31/1988 SUNPOS.FOR 2 Subsolar point 3/5/1995 UTMRTN.FOR 6 Univ. Transverse Mercator routines 1/31/2003 WRDSIZ.INC Set to double precision (R*8) 3/8/1987 XISORT.FOR 1 Sort R*8 into index vector 5/4/1994 GEODESYF ETHRTN.FOR 13 Earth Routines, Lat conv., Radii, etc 3/21/2006 GCGDROT.FOR 2 Rotate to E, N, U, etc 2/23/1994 GCIRCLE.FOR 1 Great Circle 5/6/2000 GDESIC.INC Geodesic routines includes 6/22/1991 GDIST.FOR 1 Distance along geodesic 5/6/2000 GDSRTN.FOR 4 Geodesic routines 2/18/2003 GRAV84.FOR 3 WGS 84 Gravity routines 2/18/1994 GRAV84.INC Includes for above 2/14/1994 RNGEOD.FOR 2 Range along geodesic 9/26/1998 WRDSIZ.INC Set to double precision (R*8) 3/8/1987 MATHF AXISROT.FOR 4 Frame, body rotations 3/8/1995 COV4CC.FOR 1 Covariance to correlation 11/6/2002 COVARRTN.FOR 3 covariance routines, running accumulation… 11/4/2002 EROBUST.FOR 1 Robust estimate - 3 sigma editing, ordinal' 1/25/2001 EVRSMX.FOR 2 Eigenvalues, vectors 8/20/1987 FFTRTN.FOR 2 Fast Fourier Transform, real and complex 11/23/1989 LAG3P.FOR 2 Lagrangian 3 point interpolation 1/11/1996 LDLMCOF.FOR 1 Load spherical harmonic coefficients 2/14/1994 MATRX.FOR 6 2D,3D,4D routines 8/20/1987 MINVRT.FOR 1 Matrix inverse, Gauss-Jordan 11/29/1988 MLS.FOR 10 Mean Least Sq., WMLS, MAP 8/5/1995 MLS.INC Includes for above 7/26/1988 MXGRTN.FOR 13 General size matrix routines 6/9/1991 MXIV33.FOR 1 3D etc. faster matrix routines 8/11/1989 MXIVRT.FOR 1 Matrix inverse, Gauss-Jordan 8/20/1987 MXNORM.FOR 2 Two Norms for matrixs 8/20/1987 MXSRTN.FOR 9 2D,3D.4D matrix routines 8/20/1987 QFIT.FOR 2 Fit a function from (x,y) table - dual quad 8/11/1989 QFITV.FOR 2 Qfit for vector of input data 1/11/1996 QINTP.FOR 2 Quadratic interpolation, evenly spaced data 1/11/1997 QINTP4.FOR 2 R*4 version of above 1/11/1997 RESLIN.FOR Prg Residuals to mls fit line - does fit -text 10/26/1998 RESQRD.FOR Prg Residuals to mls fit quatratic line -text i10/26/1998 RLSTAT.FOR Prg Linear Statistics on 1 column of data - tex 3/3/1999 RLSTAT3.FOR Prg Linear Stat. On 3 columns of data, text inp 3/3/1999 RLSTATE.FOR Prg Linear Stat 1 col. Iterates to sigma edit 3/3/1999 ROBUST.FOR 1 Robust (ordinal) estimate from vector of da10/14/1999 SMOOTHW.FOR Prg Apply one of 5 time windows to 1 column 5/31/1996 SMOOTHW3.FOR Prg Apply one of 5 time windows to 3 columns 5/31/1996 SPHDATA.FOR Prg Give l,m and angles compute Ylm 2/13/1994 SPHRTN.FOR 15 Spherical Harmonic rtns - see LDLMCOF 2/25/1994 STATL.FOR 3 Linear Statistics subroutines, init. Add a 11/26/1987 SVDUWV.FOR 1 SVD inverse of matrix (Numerical Res. Code) 8/20/1987 VECTOR.FOR 6 3D vector routines, add, sub, dot, cross … 8/29/1995 WINDWS.FOR 2 Apply 1 of 5 time windows 1/14/1991 XCOR.FOR Prg Cross Correlation 2 columns of data 2/4/1991 XYLINE.FOR Prg Fit line to 2 columns of data 7/21/1995 SATGENF GHAMJD.FOR 2 Greenwich hour angle, Mod. Julian Data 12/20/1999 JDRTN.FOR 2 Modified Julian Date +/ MDY, GPS Week, … 3/4/1995 RADPOS.FOR 2 Position along earth - Satellite line 9/29/1993 SVGEOM.FOR 9 Elevation, Azimuth, etc. 2/6/1999 WRDSIZ.INC Set to double precision (R*8) 3/8/1987 ATMOSM wateres.m Saturation pressure H2O vs temp 6/25/2001 obqion.m Ionospheric Obliquity Function 10/24/2002 std76.m Std Atmosphere of 1976 7/2/2002 theta_q.m Potential Temp, Specific Humidity 3/17/1999 troprng.m Tropospheric Range, (atropo.for) 6/13/2002 water.m Partial Press. H2O, specific humidity 6/25/2001 GENM wait.m wait n seconds 3/17/1996 basename.m path/filename to basename 2/22/2004 chgextn.m change extension on filename 2/22/2004 colinsrt.m insert a column into text array 12/31/2002 dayear.m month,day, year to day of year 5/26/1999 dirfiles.m make directory of files from template (ie *12/30/2002 dmstdeg.m Deg,Min,Sec to degrees 4/11/1995 doy2md.m Day of year , year to month, day of month 6/3/1999 doy2mdy.m Dayofyear, year to month,day of month, 4dig 6/3/1999 eodroll.m end of day roll to contineous seconds 9/8/2004 errbar2.m plot 2 dim. Error bars 12/3/2002 finmax.m Max - even if NaN's in input 4/19/1996 finmin.m Min - even if NaN's in input 4/19/1996 gapplug.m Add points so plot "pen" lifts at big jumps 9/8/1998 goodfig.m Reset plot defaults for publication quality 1/17/2002 jdate.m month,day,year to Julian Day number-full 5/28/1999 julian.m month,day,year to Julian Day number-full 5/27/1999 leapyr.m 1 if input is a leap year 5/28/1999 mat2vec.m matrix to vector 4/9/1996 mdy2doy.m month,day,year to day of year 5/27/1999 mjdate.m modified julian date 5/28/1999 numdlg.m use dialog box to input a number 12/30/2002 padstr.m Apply padding to string, make fixed length 8/21/2001 parc.m plot arc of circle radius, angle1, angle2 10/30/2000 ppp.m plot polar points 3/19/1996 pradial.m plot radial line 10/30/2000 radecll.m right ascention,declination to cel. Lat. Lo 4/24/1999 radtdms.m radians to deg, min, sec 4/11/1995 rdfile.m Generalized read txt file in cols./fixes in 8/22/2001 rms.m root mean square, even if NaN's in input 8/28/2004 rowinsrt.m Insert a row in text array 12/31/2002 snipnan.m remove NaN's 10/24/2003 GEODESYM xyzllh.m xyz to lat, lon height (defaults to wgs84) 3/21/2006 accrote.m centrifugal acceleration, (wgs84 value) 2/16/2006 ckgeodr.txt Check of geodesic rtn outpu 10/8/1998 earthab.m returns current a,b of earth in Globals 5/2/2000 ethconst.mxx code fragment to set earth a,b 10/1/1998 g_lat.m Noninal gravity a,e input 9/13/2002 g_somigl.m Noninal gravity a,b input 3/22/2006 gc2gd.m geocentric lat. To geodetic lat 3/21/2006 gcircle.m great circle on spherical earth 3/1/2003 gd2gc.m geodetic lat. To geocentric lat 3/21/2006 gdist.m distance along geodesic between given ends 10/2/1998 gdistaz.m geodesic azimuths, at both ends, also dista 2/28/2003 gdistd.m derivatives N/S and E/W of geodesic distanc 9/30/1998 gdsdir.m Geodesic direct, begin, az, range to end po10/19/2001 geodrtn.txt Note on geodesic routines 10/19/2001 grav84.m Gravity on ellipsoid, wgs84 value 3/29/2006 llhxyz.m Lat, Lon, Height to xyz 3/21/2006 mgeodesy.txt Notes on geodesy routines 10/5/1998 radcur.m radius earth, 2 radii curvature for gd-lati 10/2/1998 radlat.m Same function as radcur, uses radcur 5/14/1999 rearth.m Radius earth, input lat, a, ecc. 4/11/1995 rearthc.m Radius earth from geocentric lat. Uses Glob 10/2/1998 rearthg.m Radius earth from geodetic lat. Uses Global 10/2/1998 rxearth.m Rad. Earth from geodetic lat, a, ecc 4/11/1995 sphearth.m Set global a,b to same value input=>sphere 4/27/2000 wgs84.m Set globals to wgs84 values 10/1/1998 wgs84phy.m Script - wgs84 many wgs84 parameters 9/13/2002 wgs84prm.m Script as wgs84phy, different variable name 2/16/2006 x2alt.m xyz to altitude in km, uses Globals a,b 3/21/2006 MATHM wmlsline.m weighted mean least sq line fit 8/28/2004 deriv.m derivative, input monotonic x, not nec. Eve 7/16/2005 line2pt.m 2 points to coef. Of line between them 1/26/2003 mlsans.m mean least sq. answer from accumulation arr 8/19/2004 mlsdata.m mean least sq. add one point to acc. Array 8/19/2004 mlsinit.m mean least sq. initialize accumulation arra 8/19/2004 mlsline.m mls line given x,y vectors 8/20/2004 normdist.m zero biased normal distribution (Box-Muelle 7/15/2000 pdfksb.m basic PDF for K-S distribution 7/16/2005 pks.m CDF for K-S distribution 7/14/2005 qks.m 1 - CDF for K-S distribution 7/14/2005 qksbare.m Math for K-S CDF - base function 7/14/2005 randzb.m Zero biased random number - in (-0.5,0.5) 8/16/2004 sinc.m SinX/X function - handles zeor 7/20/2001 sinsq.m Square of sinc 8/4/2001 windrms.m weighted mls line, with outlier editing 2/23/2004 SATGENM geolim.m ground sighting limits for alt, position 12/4/2001 eca2elv.m earth central angle, alt. To elevation angl 12/3/2001 elv2geom.m elv angle, alt, to eca, etc 12/3/2001 elv2hrng.m elv angle, alt, to horizontal ground distan12/19/2001 elv2sr.m elv angle, alt to slant range 5/1/2001 elvgeoml.m elv, alt geometry for a layer (simple iono 12/19/2001 ethcon.mat earth constants wgs84 12/11/2001 ethcon.txt earth constants as text 12/11/2001